Truth and Justice. These words come to my mind as I ponder where they all lie in the realm of certainty. Do they form the conceptual foundation of our existence? Can we say that 'truth' is a man-made constructed matrix that navigates us towards the security we identify with to be part of our existence? Within our communities and larger societies, the belief systems embedded within our daily lives and our subconscious behaviors bring about our realities.
Should we question our truths? Naturally, yes, as I believe it is a basic human right. Whether you engage in challenging your ‘truth’ is a different matter.
Truth is not universal, yet paradoxically, it is.
In today's uniform field of reality,
everyone has a narrative truth,
yet everyone's narrative is different.
I bring this to the table as I recently witnessed an act of injustice unfold in the healthcare organization I have been a part of for the past eighteen years. I thought or chose to perceive that the organization believed in taking care of patients and ensuring they get the best possible outcomes through nurturing, engaging, and respecting the experts within the field that directly deliver the care to their patients. Little did I know!
I learned that the organization bred power over knowledge, dishonesty over honesty, and immorality over morality. Was this due to the influence cultivated subconsciously within specific crowds to endorse an authoritative narrative? How can we discern what the ‘truth’ is in a narrative? If we understand that our inner self creates the outside world, then we cultivate our truths through our beliefs, perceptions, and actions.
How can I claim ‘my truth’? It is undoubtfully my truth, but the fact is, only a minority will observe the same truth that I see. The danger is when the truth becomes an inscrutable collective loss of reason.
When enough subjects experience the same hallucinations
it becomes their reality, when enough people laugh at the same misery, it becomes their funny little joke!
How is it that we manage to consummate such formidable behaviors? How do people who consider themselves 'moral' consolidate their treason to the truth? This makes me question the collective thought of reason in the organization, and as a society.
It is claimed that truth is sometimes tangled with politics. Politics exists everywhere, but it is merely a game! When we go in every day intending to serve our patients, having done the oath 'not to harm', the balance should tip towards the 'do no harm', rather than render it obsolete in favour of politics to rise. Is the notion that we go beyond serving our patients just hearsay? If it is, then the truth is lost in the game.
Is it righteous to completely and utterly disregard someone's intellect, emotions, feelings, and thoughts based on the opinion that 'according to our truths this is best?’ How did they give themselves the privilege to know what is best outside their scope of expertise? How did they conclude that their narrative was the only ‘truth’? Swiftly, people's masks were being unmasked. I didn't want to see them without their masks.
People always show you who they are, it is me that looked away.
I left their colourful bright masks on because I did not want to believe otherwise. How is it that I was blinded? Is it because I didn't want to see the hostile truth of those persons wearing those masks as I believed in the better good of humans? Then, I am naïve.
Is my ego holding on to a belief that those working in healthcare mean well and strive for patient care? How can we live in a world where the truth must be hidden to consent control? How did they allow themselves to settle for inadequacy, ignoring honest and genuine professional expert advice to earn a trophy, resembling candy given to a child? Those who looked away from the trophy, not buying the candies, were ignored and fought as though they were enemies.
The truth no longer appears to be about the essence, values, and integrity of the patients we serve. If we dared to question the truth, or merely showed potential, skills, knowledge, and competency to challenge those who present themselves at the top of the hierarchy as experts (though that in itself is questionable), we would be isolated, condemned, threatened, and branded as 'uncooperative'. In the organization I work in, it appears that if you are not at the top of the management hierarchy, you are not permitted to be an expert!
How do our minds perceive the truth?
How can we distinguish between what is toxic
or else truthful for us to follow and believe?
How can we take ownership?
Should we take what the surrounding offers us in the form of a pill to swallow as the truth? Am I suffering in my environment because I refuse to devour those pills that lead to short-lived euphoria? Should I accept those pills? That's not how pills work. They create other symptoms without fixing the root cause, so they are not about the truth but rather just suppressing it.
How can I still choose to be part of an organization that does not allow for truth to flow and does not seek justice? Is it for my financial security? Are my values that low? They can't be. I know I yearn to do more. I need to find my lost aspiration and cultivate it to find my course.
If the truth holds the background to human existence, meaning, and morale, should we accept the depictions of any truth and allow for the anachronism it infiltrates?

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